The Asprey Amber Dragon Brandy Set draws inspiration from the Chinese zodiac, featuring intricately detailed engravings of the auspicious 5-clawed dragon. This mythical creature served as the sacred symbol of Imperial power for Chinese Emperors. The design captures the essence of Imperial grandeur, reflecting the meticulous craftsmanship that defines Asprey. Crafted using the centuries-old fixed diamond wheel engraving technique, this set embodies Asprey's dedication to traditional artistry.
The Dragon and Phoenix symbols, commonly gifted to married couples, represent the balance of Yin and Yang – the Dragon embodies Yang, and the Phoenix represents Yin, signifying a harmonious and balanced marital life. Elevate your drinking experience with this finely crafted set, where tradition meets contemporary luxury in Asprey style.
The Asprey Dragon Brandy Set draws inspiration from the Chinese zodiac, featuring intricately detailed engravings of the auspicious 5-clawed dragon. This mythical creature served as the sacred symbol of Imperial power for Chinese Emperors. The design captures the essence of Imperial grandeur, reflecting the meticulous craftsmanship that defines Asprey. Crafted using the centuries-old fixed diamond wheel engraving technique, this set embodies Asprey's dedication to traditional artistry.
The Dragon and Phoenix symbols, commonly gifted to married couples, represent the balance of Yin and Yang – the Dragon embodies Yang, and the Phoenix represents Yin, signifying a harmonious and balanced marital life. Elevate your drinking experience with this finely crafted set, where tradition meets contemporary luxury in Asprey style.
The Asprey Peridot Dragon Brandy Set draws inspiration from the Chinese zodiac, featuring intricately detailed engravings of the auspicious 5-clawed dragon. This mythical creature served as the sacred symbol of Imperial power for Chinese Emperors. The design captures the essence of Imperial grandeur, reflecting the meticulous craftsmanship that defines Asprey. Crafted using the centuries-old fixed diamond wheel engraving technique, this set embodies Asprey's dedication to traditional artistry.
The Dragon and Phoenix symbols, commonly gifted to married couples, represent the balance of Yin and Yang – the Dragon embodies Yang, and the Phoenix represents Yin, signifying a harmonious and balanced marital life. Elevate your drinking experience with this finely crafted set, where tradition meets contemporary luxury in Asprey style.